Saturday – June 24th, 2017. With Russell Forsyth.
Soul Retrieval is one of the single most effective tools to reconnecting to the true essence of who you are.
The concept of soul retrieval can be traced back to ancient times, when illness and disharmony was regarded as an issue of the spirit.
Ancient shamans operated under the belief that all physical disharmony was the result of an illness of the soul, so they would journey into the underworld to retrieve any missing fragments of energy. Since those times, there has been much written with respect to the effects of trauma on the energy of the soul.
This workshop will help you understand and assess the possibility of soul loss and soul fragmentation that has resulted from trauma.
Past life traumas, birth traumas, death traumas, and even minor events that one would not associate with trauma, impact the soul to create illness, false personality traits, addictions, phobias, and characteristics that might not be true to an individual’s core vibrations.
In this class you will learn about the meaning of soul fragmentation, how to assess soul loss, retrieval processes and functional integration and aspects of recovery and much more.
This class is part of the IEL Institute (Intuit the Energy of Love) Level V curriculum. Become a member at no cost and enjoy the benefits and offerings of The IEL Institute for the Spiritual Arts to learn more.
More About Soul Fragmentation
Soul fragmentation probably effects everyone since there’s no one that hasn’t suffered some type of trauma. Even a scary moment in a car can cause a piece of your soul to fragment. Bringing back every little part of your soul that is out there hanging on by its silver thread can make you feel whole again.
If you have ever had the feeling that you just don’t have it all together or that something is missing in your life but you can’t put your finger on it, you most likely have a soul fragmentation. Once a person has all their parts back, then the missing pieces of life and a feeling of being fully present can bring wellness and clarity making all aspects of life flow more easily. This class brings understanding to this subject and teaches methods to be used by individuals and practitioners to help others.
Saturday, June 24th
10pm – 5pm
Austin, TX
Address provided after registration
For More Information
Russell Forsyth: (512)999-8478
For Registration
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