Saturday September 21st, 2013.
Sacred Geometry, and Philosophical Geometry, help us to find divine beauty, truth and goodness in the physical world, as taught by the Pythagoreans. Plato taught that true reality consists of pure essences and that physical phenomena is only a reflection of these.
Philosophical Geometry re-enacts the unfolding of one form into another, from each divine stroke into the forms of our ever spinning world. Sacred Geometry identifies those geometries that are most divine in this sense.
Each class presents examples of Sacred Geometry and Philosophical meanings. Participants will draw some selected Sacred Geometry with a compass and straight edge.
Some of the Sacred Geometry covered will include the Vesica Piscis, Golden Section and Flower of Life. Graph paper, compasses and straight edges will be supplied but feel free to bring your own.
Saturday September 21st
10am – 12Noon
The Willow House
1810 Willow St.
Austin, Texas 78702
For More Information
Austin, TX 78702