Thursday – January 26th, 2023. With Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S.
For your spiritual evolution, trauma is not about how horrible your experience appears to others but how deeply the impact and weight of it clings to you and drags down your life today. There is no benefit in comparing experience: what matters is the burden you carry inside of you, which separates you from others and Spirit.
Whether your trauma is emotional, physical, sexual, or religious, the resulting victimization, blaming, self-judgment, and crushing feelings of being alone or abandoned are at times overwhelming. These feelings create such self-doubt and stuckness that you can’t see how you’ll ever break free.
Healing from trauma is a simple progression, but far from easy. Nor is it a mental process that we can grind through alone, with positive thinking and force of will.
This workshop covers the first step of this progression: acceptance — “This happened to me.”
Many resist the teaching of acceptance, thinking it will make them small, passive, or weak — sacrificing who they truly are and feel, or letting the offender escape responsibility. When you open to Acceptance, you are not agreeing with someone’s perspective or hurtful actions, nor giving up your desires, wishes, or beliefs. Instead, you walk through the doorway to your power (Dominion), grounded in the Soul, the Unconditional Loving, you really are.
Please join us and learn more about this healing journey. We heal best supported by others seeking the same, guided by those who have gone through it and are joyfully living the other side of completing their experience.
Thursday, January 26th
7pm – 9pm
Casa De Luz – Arcoiris Room
1701 Toomey Road
Austin, TX 78704
For More Information and Registration
Contact Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S. to sign up.
Social Media
Austin, TX 78704