Third Eye Meditation
Saturday - January 18th, 2025. With Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S. Spend time with Spirit and become more aware of the Spirit within you. Please join us as we practice this ancient form of meditation and enjoy meditating in a group.
Saturday - January 18th, 2025. With Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S. Spend time with Spirit and become more aware of the Spirit within you. Please join us as we practice this ancient form of meditation and enjoy meditating in a group.
Tuesday - May 7th, 2024. Learn to develop more of an attitude of Acceptance. This workshop helps you reframe and experience Acceptance as the only option for progression of consciousness.
Tuesday - April 16th, 2024. Unlock the journey to spiritual freedom in this workshop by understanding and accepting your karma. We will cover ways to identify and fulfill past and present karma with love and self-forgiveness, paving the way for deeper consciousness and inner peace.
Tuesday - April 9th, 2024. his workshop provides practical information to help you not only identify but also take authority over entities you may encounter. Join us and learn how to identify and clear Entities.
Tuesday - April 2nd, 2024. With Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S. Learn spiritual psychic protection techniques that will lift you to greater responsibility for yourself and the energies around you, enabling you to protect yourself from unwelcome energies.
Tuesday - March 19th, 2024. With Karl Fleddermann, DSS. Forgiveness is not about dismissing or condoning someone else’s behavior. Self-Forgiveness involves releasing the tensions and hurt we have inside for the judgments and beliefs we hold against ourselves and others. This class is designed for you to become more aware of the power of Self-Forgiveness...
Tuesday - March 5th, 2024. Unconditional Loving extends far beyond human premises, beliefs, and concepts. It is a manifestation of our connection to God/Spirit, to ourselves, and to all of humanity. Come rediscover and deepen your ability to Love Unconditionally and be in the presence of Spirit.
Tuesday - February 13th, 2024. We have all heard of the Mind, Body, and Spirit connection. In this workshop, you will learn how to identify each of the Three Selves inside of you, how they cooperate with each other, and how you can utilize their energies to increase your abilities to manifest on the planet.
Tuesday - March 12th, 2024. With Karl Fleddermann, DSS. We are programmed in this life to flee from vulnerability, which risks rejection or hurt. But what if vulnerability was the elevation--the avenue for your Soul to become more present inside of you and to manifest out into this world? Learn ways to open to vulnerability and fully embody the invulnerable spiritual essence inside of you through this way of being.
Tuesday - January 30th, 2024. With Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S. So many of us are deeply marked by the trauma of abuse, which can leave us blocked and separated from others by what we hold as unacceptable about our past. Explore a unique approach--a Spiritual approach--for you to clear yourself and transmute this experience.
Thursday - April 20th, 2023. With Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S. Bliss seems an impossible dream. Our sense of separation can block us. Come learn about separation and learn how to heal yourself.
Thursday - April 6th, 2023. With Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S. Are you feeling out of alignment, pulled in two directions? Does it feel like straddling opposed worlds? Apart from any medical or psychological meaning, “androgynous” has a spiritual dimension: it points to the New Human, where our consciousness is evolving, where we are headed collectively for our highest embodied expression. It is the joining of both polarities of human experience: the masculine and the feminine principles.
Thursday - March 23rd, 2023. With Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S. Carrying anger can distress and mortify us, but what if anger was a messenger? Learn to use anger to know yourself more as a Spiritual Being.
Thursday - January 26th, 2023. With Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S. Healing from trauma is a simple progression, but far from easy. Nor is it a mental process that we can grind through alone, with positive thinking and force of will. We heal best supported by others seeking the same, guided by those who have gone through it and are joyfully living the other side of completing their experience. Please join us and learn more about this healing journey.
Tuesday - November 15th, 2022. Healing from trauma is a simple progression, but far from easy. Nor is it a mental process that we can grind through alone, with positive thinking and force of will. We heal best supported by others seeking the same, guided by those who have gone through it and are joyfully living the other side of completing their experience. Please join us and learn more about this healing journey.
Saturdays - November 5th and 19th, 2022. With Karl Fleddermann, D.S.S. The intention of this group is to assist you to heal the emotional traumas that are locked inside of you, and to let you be lifted by the collective experience and support of a spiritual community who are all seeking the same.
Saturday - October 1st, 2022. Why am I here? What should I do? The answer to your life’s purpose is a truth to be uncovered. Your Soul is, in fact, using you for something, for a mission. What is it? How you are being used and guided is the key. This workshop redefines how you understand your purpose.
With a Masters degree in Psychology, a Doctorate in Spiritual Science, and a lifetime of studying spiritual teachings from around the world, Karl Fleddermann, DSS has a unique set of skills to assist others in knowing themselves as the Soul they are.
Thursday - August 11th, 2022. With Karl Fleddermann, DSS. Learn about where you go when you Astral project and where the Akashic records are located! This workshop gives you a reference point when you have these experiences, so you can learn to identify each level of Spirit and know the kinds of experiences and energies that come from these levels.
Tuesday - July 19th, 2022. Come Heal a Memory. We all have wounds that are unresolved, hurt feelings that linger in our conscious or subconscious. This class will help you in unlocking these memories and releasing them so you can consciously experience being whole and complete.