Friday, September 20th, 2013. Presented by the Amala Foundation.
The Idea
In celebration of International Peace Day, two Austin-based organizations are teaming up to put on a Concert for Peace. Amala Foundation is a humanitarian organization assisting local and international youth.
Wobeon World Beat is a music company focused on promoting global music in Austin & globally, which also created Austin’s first major World Music festival – Wobeon Fest.
Local and international musicians will perform with the goal of uniting the diverse cultures and people of Austin, while ideally also provoking thought and consideration of globally significant issues.
The Music
A number of artists who strongly support this initiative are looking forward to performing on the 20th. Our lineup includes Atash, Pachedu, Ali Pervez Mehdi & Major7th, Sangeet Millennium Ensemble, Anthropos Arts Music Program, Leticia Rodriguez, and Amala Foundation’s very own One Village Music Project.
The Impact
Our world often seems increasingly violent and polarized along lines of faith, nationality and political belief. At times like these people often feel the need to connect with each other and the world around them. Concert for Peace is designed to bridge the gap between individuals and community. T
Together we can open doors of understanding, respect and friendship throughout the diverse community of Austin. Peace is born from understanding, and understanding from human connection. As music is one of life’s greatest connectors, our hope is to channel global music to unite people who would not ordinarily connect.
Friday September 20th
6pm – Midnight
411 Monroe St W
Austin, Texas 78704
$15 in advance
$20 at door
To Purchase Tickets and For More Information
Austin, TX 78704