January 31st through February 1st, 2014. Mother Meera Visits Austin to share Darshan.
Mother Meera is coming to the US in January and February of 2014 to give Darshan, her bestowal of love, light and grace. This tour includes cities which Mother has never visited before, including Austin! These are wonderful places to be in late January and early February!
The Darshan Blessing, a bestowal of Love, Light and Grace, is offered to all, free of charge, independent of spiritual beliefs or affiliations. The Darshan blessing removes obstacles to spiritual fulfillment and answers your heart’s prayer.
Darshan is Mother’s gift to humanity. While in the Darshan Hall, guests sit quietly, meditating and praying (eyes open or closed). Each person will have the opportunity to receive individual Darshan. Mother asks that guests stay for the entire Darshan, which usually lasts around two hours. There is a special silent blessing at the end of Darshan for all in attendance, see video below.
Darshan is deeply intimate and at the same time expansive and universal. One connects with the Divine Mother and with one’s own divinity. It is seeing and being seen. It is indescribable and must be experienced. The impact of Darshan is life changing.
Darshan is free but reservations are required. If you haven’t already, register soon to ensure you receive the Darshan time you would like.
You may attend Darshan in one location only, and at this time, you may register for one session only. The sessions listed on the website are open for immediate registration. An evening Darshan may open once these have filled.
Children under the age of 18 may participate in Darshan if they choose. All children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. They should be able to sit quietly for 30 minutes, and be able to follow the Darshan process independently. The children can come to Mother for Darshan at the beginning of Darshan and can leave after about 20 minutes. Please make a reservation for each child and mark that they are under 18.
Even if you have registered for Darshan for previous tours, you must make a reservation for this tour. Please make a separate reservation for each person attending. After you have made your reservation, please print your reservation confirmation page and bring it with you to Darshan. This printout will allow you faster access to the Darshan hall.
In Mother’s Grace,
Mother Meera Foundation USA
January 31st – February 1st
10am and 1:30pm each day
First Unitarian Universalist Church
4700 Grover Avenue
Austin, TX 78756
Free (registration required)
For Information and to Register
Mother Meera Foundation USA: http://www.mothermeerafoundationusa.org/
Mother Meera Texas: http://www.mothermeeratexas.com
Mother Meera Foundation USA Reservations: http://www.mothermeerafoundationusa.org/reservations.html
Austin, TX 78756
i would like to attend for Darshan in Austin.Thank you!
Hi Jagit, thank you for your comment. We merely pass on the info. You must go to the Mother Meera website and register here: http://www.mothermeerafoundationusa.org/reservations.html. Thank you! :)