In my ongoing search for the quickest, most efficient way to clear people’s emotional baggage, I discovered The Emotion Code, an exciting form of energy psychology developed by Dr. Brad Nelson. This powerful discipline works like a charm.
Dr. Nelson teaches that we trap and store intense emotions from painful life experiences in the cells of our bodies. Over time, trapped emotions tend to impact our lives on physical, emotional, and spiritual levels by bleeding into our relationships and our ability to be fully who we are. They begin to layer, one on top of another, wreaking havoc with our sense of peace and harmony.
Trapped emotions can manifest issues years down the road from the initial incident, confusing us as to the origin. They rob us of our energy and our life force as it is diverted to maintain our baggage.
With training, the practitioner can discover these emotions through muscle testing, a technique used extensively among holistic practitioners. Muscle testing not only finds the emotion but also can show at what age a person got stuck with them. We then use a magnet to release them. The magnet is gently drawn down the Governing Meridian along the spine.
I find the work different from other energy psychology methods in that the body, not the conscious mind, picks out very specific incidences where a particular emotion experienced in the past is now affecting the present. In my experience, the body’s responses are far more reliable than those of the conscious mind. The body doesn’t lie, whereas the mind, consciously or unconsciously, often does lie. Also, using the Emotion Code technique, inherited emotions and emotions acquired in utero appear. Due to their origin, these emotions cannot be located and dealt with through ordinary means.
Inherited emotions come to us at the moment of conception, passed on by Mom or Dad. Let’s say the emotion is depression, and you got it from Dad. It may be Dad’s depression, or he may have picked it up from one of his parents, possibly his dad. Grandpa may have originally had that depression, or he may have acquired it from his mom. Emotions can be passed down from generation to generation. We wind up carrying an emotion that wasn’t ours, to begin with. Emotion Code can clear that, stop the chain reaction, and clear our ancestors.
It is commonly accepted among researchers that babies can hear us when they are in the womb, especially during the last trimester. So it makes sense that we pick up emotions from our parents while we are still an embryo. For instance, if Dad is worried about how to provide or Mom is depressed about whatever, the baby can pick up those emotions and bring them through at birth. Emotion Code finds and releases those trapped emotions.
Another important way trapped emotions affect us is by unwittingly forming a heart wall. The subconscious mind collects these emotions to fashion as protection, which, at times, we need. However, the subconscious doesn’t know when to take the wall down, and it stays up, protecting us from harm while keeping out a lot of good feelings.
One of my clients was very excited about taking her heart wall down, which we did in five sessions. She could hardly wait to see what had happened. When I saw her the next week, she expressed surprise at having been very unpleasant with her husband all week. I observed that her husband was quite bossy with her. She was finally feeling her feelings about that. She didn’t like it and began to stand her ground with him. Of course, each person’s response to having his heart wall removed is very different. Another woman discovered that her husband found her attractive again after 35 years and wanted to make love to her. Some people begin to attract love and a new relationship when the heart wall is down.
The Emotion Code technique can effectively release old fears, relationship difficulties, chronic pain, and other life issues. It is deceptively simple, yet I have found it very powerful. Sometimes, results initially appear subtle, and sometimes there is an immediate, noticeable difference. Some can’t see the changes in themselves, but they can see the changes in how others react to them. Most people report feeling lighter.
One client had foot pain for three months with temporary relief with chiropractic, acupuncture, and massage. Yet, with only two emotions released – depression at age 52 and grief at age 33- the pain disappeared. Other issues can take longer.
The Emotion Code can be used to clear animals, also. A friend called me when her cat, Suzy, was very ill. Suzie had been working on her transition for several days but was still alive. I made a house call to clear her using Emotion Code. Suzy tested for emotions of abandonment (their house had burned down, and Suzy had to stay with a family friend while the house was being rebuilt). She tested for anxieties, presumably about being chased by a dog. Interestingly, but not surprisingly, she tested for surrogating some of her owner’s emotions. We cleared nine emotions, and she left her body in peace three hours later.
As you can see, Emotion Code has many applications to give people more freedom in their lives. It’s fast and easy, and, most importantly, it works!
Robin Heart Shepperd does energy psychology, including Emotion Code, person-to-person, on the phone, or long distance with only the person’s permission needed.
Article by Dr. Robin Heart Shepperd
Dr. Robin has practiced energy psychology for over 25 years and has studied under 5 teachers who each teach a different modality. She uses her intuition to know which direction to take for a custom clearing in your best interest. Once cleared, a higher consciousness emerges, allowing more satisfactory relationships, prosperity, and an attitude of gratitude.
Learn more about Dr. Robin Heart Shepperd here.
Very interesting! I do energy work as well. The body is an amazing piece of art.